Paul Gisbert Auwaerter, MD, MBA, FIDSA
The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
2003-present Chief Medical Officer, Point of Care-Information Technology Center (POC-IT), Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
2006-present Clinical Director, Division of Infectious Diseases, Department of Medicine, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
2013-present Professor of Medicine, Sherrilyn and Ken Fisher Professor of Medicine, Divisions of Infectious Diseases and General Internal Medicine, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
2017-present Editor in Chief, Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide (ABX-Guide)
Education and Training
1984 A.B., Biology, magna cum laude, Columbia College, Columbia University, New York, NY, Doctoral/graduate
1988 M.D., College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, New York, NY
1988-1989 Intern, Internal Medicine, Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, MD
1989-1991 Residency, Internal Medicine, Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, MD
1992-1996 Fellow, Infectious Diseases, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD
1999-2003 M.B.A., Johns Hopkins University School of Professional Studies in Business and Education, Baltimore, MD
Professional Experience
1991-1992 Assistant Chief of Service, Instructor, Department of Medicine, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD
1993-1996 Attending Physician, Part-time staff, Department of Emergency Medicine, Sinai Hospital, Baltimore, MD
1996-2003 Assistant Professor, Medicine, Divisions of General Internal Medicine and Infectious Diseases, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD
2000-2006 Director of General Internal Medicine at Green Spring Station, Johns Hopkins School University of Medicine, Baltimore, MD
2002-2017 Managing Editor, Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide, Baltimore, Maryland
2003-2013 Associate Professor, Medicine, Divisions of Infectious Diseases and General Internal Medicine, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD
2006-present Clinical Director, Division of Infectious Diseases, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD
2013-present Sherrilyn and Ken Fisher Professor of Medicine, Department of Medicine, Division of Infection Diseases, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD
Original Research [OR]
Gaydos CA, Eiden JJ, Oldach D, Mundy LM, Auwaerter PG, Warner ML, Vance E, Burton AA, Quinn TC. Diagnosis of Chlamydia pneumonia in patients with community-acquired pneumonia by polymerase chain reaction enzyme immunoassay. Clinical Infectious Diseases. 1994; 19(1): 157-161.
Mundy LM, Auwaerter PG, Oldach D, Warner ML, Burton A, Vance E, Gaydos CA, Joseph JM, Gopalan R, Moore RD, Quinn TC, Charache P, Bartlett JG. Community-acquired pneumonia: impact of immune status. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. 1995; 152(4 Part 1): 1309-1315.
Fantry L, De Jonge E, Auwaerter PG, Lederman HM. Immunodeficiency and elevated CD4 T lymphocyte counts in two patients coinfected with human immunodeficiency virus and human lymphotropic virus type I. Clinical Infectious Diseases. 1995; 21(6):1466-1468.
Auwaerter PG, Oldach D, Mundy LN, Burton A, Warner ML, Vance E, Moore RD, Rossi CA. Hantavirus serologies in patients hospitalized with community-acquired pneumonia. Journal of Infectious Diseases. 1996; 173(1): 237-239.
Auwaerter PG, Hussey GD, Goddard EA, Hughes J, Ryon JJ, Stebel PM, Beatty D, Griffin DE. Changes within T cell receptor V beta subsets in infants following measles vaccination. Clinical Immunology and Immunopathology. 1996; 79(2):163-170.
Auwaerter PG, Kaneshima H, McCune JM, Wiegand G, Griffin DE. Measles virus infection of the thymic epithelium in the SCID-hu mouse leads to thymocyte apoptosis. Journal of Virology.1996; 70(6): 3734-3740.
Mundy LM, Oldach D, Auwaerter PG, Gaydos CA, Moore RD, Bartlett JG, Quinn TC. Implications for macrolide treatment in community-acquired pneumonia. Chest. 1998; 113(5): 1201-1208.
Valsamakis A, Schneider H, Auwaerter PG, Kaneshima H, Billeter MA, Griffin DE. Recombinant measles viruses with mutations in the C, V, or F gene have altered growth phenotypes in vivo. Journal of Virology. 1008; 72(10):7754-7761.
Polack, FP, Auwaerter PG, Lee SH, Nousairi HC, Valsamakis A, Lieferman KM, Diwan A, Adams RJ, Griffin DE. Production of atypical measles in rhesus macaques: evidence for disease mediated by immune complex formation and eosinophils in the presence of fusion-inhibiting antibody. Nature Medicine. 1999; 5(6):629-34.
Auwaerter PG, Rota PA, Elkins WR, Adams RJ, DeLozier T, Shi Y, Bellini WJ, Murphy BR, Griffin DE. Measles virus infection in rhesus macaques: altered immune responses and comparison of the virulence of six different virus strains. Journal of Infectious Diseases. 1999; 180(4):950-958.
Valsamakis A, Auwaerter PG, Rima Bert, Kaneshima H, Griffin DE. Altered Virulence of Vaccine Strains of Measles Virus after Prolonged Replication in Human Tissue. Journal of Virology, October; 73 (10):8791-7, 1999.
Alghaferi MY, Anderson JM, Park J, Auwaerter PG, Aucott JN, Norris DE, Dumler JS. Borrelia burgdorferi ospC heterogeneity among human and murine isolates from a defined region of northern Maryland and southern Pennsylvania: lack of correlation with invasive and noninvasive genotypes. Journal of Clinical Microbiology. 2005; 43(4):1879-84.
Yang S, Lin S, Khalil A, Gaydos C, Nuermberger E, Juan G, Hardick J, Bartlett JG, Auwaerter PG, Rothman RE. Quantitative PCR assay using sputum samples for rapid diagnosis of pneumococcal pneumonia in adult emergency department patients. Journal of Clinical Microbiology. 2005; 43(7):3221-6
Coulter P, Lema C, Flayhart D, Linhardt AS, Aucott JN, Auwaerter PG, Dumler JS. Two-year evaluation of Borrelia burgdorferi culture and supplemental tests for definitive diagnosis of Lyme disease. Journal of Clinical Microbiology. 2005; 43(10):5080-5084.
Bochicchio GV, Smit PA, Moore R, Bochicchio K, Auwaerter P, Johnson SB, Scalea T, Bartlett JG. POC-IT Group. Pilot study of a web-based antibiotic decision management guide. Journal of the American College of Surgeons. 2006; 202(3):459-67.
Auwaerter PG, Dove J, Mackowiak PA. Simon Bolivar's medical labyrinth: an infectious diseases conundrum. Clinical Infectious Diseases. 2011; 52(1):78-85.
Alonso CD, Barclay S, Tao X, Auwaerter PG. Increasing incidence of iliopsoas abscesses with MRSA as a predominant pathogen. Journal of Infection. 2011; 63(1):1-7.
Barclay SS, Melia MT, Auwaerter PG. Misdiagnosis of late Lyme arthritis by inappropriate use of B. burgdorferi synovial fluid immunoblot testing. Clinical Vaccinology and Immunology. 2012; 19(11):1806-9.
Feng J, Wang T, Shi W, Zhang S, Sullivan D, Auwaerter PG, Zhang Y. Identification of novel activity against Borrelia burgdorferi persisters using an FDA approved drug library. Emerging Microbes & Infections 2014;3(7), e49.
O'Connell E1, Rosen LB, LaRue RW, Fabre V, Melia MT, Auwaerter PG, Holland SM, Browne SK. The First US Domestic Report of Disseminated Mycobacterium avium Complex and Anti-Interferon-γ Autoantibodies. J Clin Immunol 2014;34(8):928-32.
Lantos PM, Auwaerter PG, Wormser GP. A systemic review of Borrelia Burgdorferi morphologic variants does not support a role in chronic Lyme disease. Clinical Infectious Diseases 2014; 58(5):663-71.
Lantos PM, Shapiro ED, Auwaerter PG, Baker PJ, Halperin JJ, McSweegan E, Wormser GP. Unorthodox alternative therapies marketed to treat Lyme disease. Clinical Infectious Diseases 2015; 60(12):1776-82.
Cohen JE, Landis P, Trock BJ, Patel HD, Ball MW, Auwaerter PG, Schaeffer E, Carter B. Fluoroquinolone Resistance in the Rectal Carriage of Men in an Active Surveillance Cohort: Longitudinal Analysis. Journal of Urology 2015 Feb;193(2):552-6.
Feng J, Auwaerter PG, Zhang Y. Drug combinations against Borrelia burgdorferi persisters achieved by using daptomycin, cefoperazone and doxycycline. PLoS One 2015; 10(3):e0117207.
Lantos PM, Branda JA, Boggan JC, Chudgar SM, Wilson EA, Ruffin F, Fowler V, Auwaerter PG, Nigrovic LE. Poor Positive Predictive Value of Lyme Disease Serologic Testing in an Area of Low Disease Incidence. Clin Infect Dis. 2015 Jul 20. pii: civ584.
Lantos PM, Nigrovic LE, Auwaerter PG, Fowler VG Jr, Ruffin F, Brinkerhoff RJ, Reber J, Williams C, Broyhill J, Pan WK, Gaines DN. Geographic Expansion of Lyme Disease in the Southeastern United States, 2000-2014. Open Forum Infect Dis. 2015 Sep 27;2(4):ofv143.
Lantos PM, Branda JA, Boggan JC, Chudgar SM, Wilson EA, Ruffin F, Fowler V, Auwaerter PG, Nigrovic LE. Poor Positive Predictive Value of Lyme Disease Serologic Testing in an Area of Low Disease Incidence. Clin Infect Dis. 2015 Nov 1;61(9):1374-80.
Lopez J, Zhong SS, Sankey EW, Swanson EW, Susarla H, Jusue-Torres I, Huang J, Brem H, Auwaerter PG, Gordon CR Time Interval Reduction for Delayed Implant-Based Cranioplasty Reconstruction in the Setting of Previous Bone Flap Osteomyelitis. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2016 Feb;137(2):394e-404.
Piggott DA, Higgins YM, Melia MT, Ellis B, Carroll KC, McFarland EG, Auwaerter PG. Characteristics and Treatment Outcomes of Propionibacterium acnes Prosthetic Shoulder Infections in Adults. Open Forum Infect Dis. 2015 Dec 9;3(1):ofv191, eCollection 2016 Jan..
Feng J, Shi W, Zhang S, Sullivan D, Auwaerter PG, Zhang Y. A Drug Combination Screen Identifies Drugs Active against Amoxicillin-Induced Round Bodies of In Vitro Borrelia burgdorferi Persisters from an FDA Drug Library. Front Microbiol. 2016 May 23;7:74
Keller SC, Cosgrove SE, Higgins Y, Piggott DA, Osgood G, Auwaerter PG. Role of Suppressive Oral Antibiotics in Orthopedic Hardware Infections for Those Not Undergoing Two-Stage Replacement Surgery. Open Forum Infect Dis. 2016 Aug 30;3(4):ofw176.
Cadavid D, Auwaerter PG, Rumbaugh J, Gelderblom H. Antibiotics for the neurological complications of Lyme disease. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2016 Dec 8;12:CD006978
Lantos PM, Tsao J, Nigrovic LE, Auwaerter PG, Fowler VG, Ruffin F, Foster E, Hickling G. Geographic Expansion of Lyme Disease in Michigan, 2000-2014. Open Forum Infect Dis. 2017 Jan 9;4(1):ofw269. doi: 10.1093/ofid/ofw269. eCollection 2017
Review Articles [RA]
Auwaerter PG. Infectious Mononucleosis in Middle Age. JAMA. 1999; 281(5): 454-459.
Auwaerter PG. Infectious mononucleosis in active patients: definitive answers to common questions. The Physician and Sports Medicine. 2002; 11:43-50.
Auwaerter PG, Aucott J, Dumler JS. Lyme borreliosis (Lyme disease): molecular and cellular pathobiology and prospects for prevention, diagnosis and treatment. Expert Reviews in Molecular Medicine. 2004; 6(2):1-22.
Auwaerter PG. Infectious mononucleosis: return to play. Clinics in Sports Medicine. 2004; 23(3):485-97.
Karp CL, Auwaerter PG. Coinfection with HIV and tropical diseases. I: Protozoal pathogens. Clinical Infectious Diseases. 2007; 45(9):1214-20.
Karp CL, Auwaerter PG. Coinfection with HIV and tropical infectious diseases. II. Helminthic, fungal, bacterial, and viral pathogens. Clinical Infectious Diseases. 2007; 45(9):1208-13.
Auwaerter PG. Cellulitis, skin abscesses, and community-acquired methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. Advanced Studies in Medicine 6 (2):62-70, 2006.
Auwaerter PG. Recent advances in the understanding of infectious mononucleosis: are prospects improved for treatment or control? Expert Review of Anti-infective Therapy. 2006; 4(6):1039-49
Feder HM Jr, Johnson BJ, O'Connell S, Shapiro ED, Steere AC, Wormser GP; Ad Hoc International Lyme Disease Group, Agger WA, Artsob H, Auwaerter P, Dumler JS, Bakken JS, Bockenstedt LK, Green J, Dattwyler RJ, Munoz J, Nadelman RB, Schwartz I, Draper T, McSweegan E, Halperin JJ, Klempner MS, Krause PJ, Mead P, Morshed M, Porwancher R, Radolf JD, Smith RP Jr, Sood S, Weinstein A, Wong SJ, Zemel L. A critical appraisal of “chronic Lyme disease.” New England Journal of Medicine. 2007; 357(14):1422-30.
McGrath-Morrow SA, Gower WA, Rothblum-Oviatt C, Brody AS, Langston C, Fan LL, Lefton-Greif MA, Crawford TO, Troche M, Sandlund JT, Auwaerter PG, Easley B, Loughlin GM, Carroll JL, Lederman HM. Evaluation and management of pulmonary disease in ataxia-telangiectasia. Pediatric Pulmonology. 2010; 45(9):847-59.
Lantos PM, Auwaerter PG, Nelson CA. Lyme Disease Serology. JAMA. 2016 Apr 26;315(16):1780-1781.
Wormser GP, Strle F, Shapiro ED, Dattwyler RJ, Auwaerter PG. A critical appraisal of the mild axonal peripheral neuropathy of late neurologic Lyme disease. Diagn Microbiol Infect Dis. 2017 Feb;87(2):163-167. doi: 10.1016/j.diagmicrobio.2016.11.003. Review.
Al-Tawfiq JA, Auwaerter, PG. Healthcare-associated infections: The hallmark of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV) with review of the literature. J Hosp Infect . 2019 Jan;101(1):20-29.
Case Reports [CR]
Yanez M, Auwaerter PG, Urban BA, Cahid C, Hepatic abscess detected by lung scintigraphy. The Journal of Critical Illness. 2000; 15(2): 87-90.
Hristov AC, Auwaerter PG, Romagnoli M, Carroll KC. Bordetella hinzii septicemia in association with Epstein-Barr virus viremia and an Epstein-Barr virus-associated diffuse large B-cell lymphoma. Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease. 2008; 61(4):484-6.
Chang LW, Reller ME, Bishop JA, Talaat K, Nutman TB, Auwaerter PG. A 41-year-old woman from Cameroon with infertility. Clinical Infectious Diseases. 2008; 47(1):141-3.
Smith TJ, Auwaerter P, Knowlton A, Saylor D, McArthur J. Treatment of human immunodeficiency virus-related neuropathy with Scrambler Therapy: a case report. Int J STD AIDS 2017; 28(2):202-204.
Letters, Correspondence [LT]
Auwaerter PG. The Pemberton and Maroni signs. Annals of Internal Medicine. 1997; 126(11):916.
Auwaerter PG. Book review: Molecular Biology, Host Interaction and Pathogenesis Borrelia: Molecular Biology, Host Interaction and Pathogenesis. Edited by D. Scott Samuels, and Justin D. Radolf. Norfolk, UK: Caister Academic Press 2010, in Clinical Infectious Disease 2011;52, 965.
Mackowiak PA, Auwaerter PG, Dove J. Reply to Torres and Murillo, Bolivar. Clinical Infectious Diseases 2011, 53: 305-306.
Auwaerter PG, Bakken JS, Dattwyler RJ, Halperin JJ, Nadelman RB, O’Connell S, Shapiro ED, Weinstein A, Wormser GP. Reply to Hushe-Shires, Perrone, Tuttle, Lyme disease Antiscience. Lancet Infectious Diseases 2012; 12:362-363.
Melia MT, Lantos PM, Auwaerter PG. Laboratory testing for Lyme neuroborreliosis-reply. JAMA Neurol. 2015 Jan 1;72(1):126.
Wormser GP, Strle F, Shapiro ED, Dattwyler RJ, Auwaerter PG. Response letter to Drs. Halperin and Greenberg. Diagn Microbiol Infect Dis. 2017 May;88(1):108-109
Auwaerter PG. Striving to Connect in Lyme disease; Book review: Conquering Lyme disease by Fallon BA, Sotsky J. Lancet ID 2018; 11:1190.
Book Chapters, Monographs [BC]
Auwaerter PG. Gram-negative meningitis. Neurobase III, 1997. Arbor Publications, San Diego, CA.
Auwaerter PG. Gram-positive meningitis. Neurobase III, 1997. Arbor Publications, San Diego, CA.
Auwaerter, PG. Listeria meningitis. Neurobase IV, 1997. Arbor Publications, San Diego, CA.
Auwaerter PG, Provost TT. Septicemia. Cutaneous Medicine, eds. Provost TT, Flynn JA. 2001. BC Decker, Inc., Hamilton, Ontario, 530-534.
Auwaerter PG, Provost TT. Streptococcal Infections. Cutaneous Medicine, eds. Provost TT, Flynn JA. 2001. BC Decker, Inc., Hamilton, Ontario, 535-540.
Provost TT, Auwaerter PG. Meningococcal Infections. Cutaneous Medicine, eds. Provost TT,
Flynn JA. 2001. BC Decker, Inc., Hamilton, Ontario, 541-543.
Provost TT, Auwaerter PG. Rickettsial Infections. Cutaneous Medicine, eds. Provost TT, Flynn JA. 2001. BC Decker, Inc., Hamilton, Ontario, 544-546.
Auwaerter PG, Provost TT. Haemophilus influenzae. Cutaneous Medicine, eds. Provost TT, Flynn JA. 2001. BC Decker, Inc., Hamilton, Ontario, 547-548.
Provost TT, Auwaerter PG. Tuberculosis. Cutaneous Medicine, eds. Provost TT, Flynn JA. 2001. BC Decker, Inc., Hamilton, Ontario, 549-556.
Provost TT, Auwaerter PG. Leprosy. Cutaneous Medicine, eds. Provost TT, Flynn JA. 2001. BC Decker, Inc., Hamilton, Ontario, 557-564.
Provost TT, Auwaerter PG. Syphilis. Cutaneous Medicine, eds. Provost TT, Flynn JA. 2001. BC Decker, Inc., Hamilton, Ontario, 565-578.
Provost TT, Auwaerter PG. Other Sexually Transmitted Diseases. Cutaneous Medicine, eds. Provost TT, Flynn JA. 2001. BC Decker, Inc. Hamilton, Ontario, 579-584.
Auwaerter PG, Provost TT. Lyme Disease. Cutaneous Medicine, eds. Provost TT, Flynn JA. 2001. BC Decker, Inc., Hamilton, Ontario, 585-589.
Provost TT, Auwaerter PG. Erysipeloid. Cutaneous Medicine, eds. Provost TT, Flynn JA. 2001. BC Decker, Inc., Hamilton, Ontario, 592.
Provost TT, Auwaerter PG. Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Cutaneous Medicine, eds. Provost TT, Flynn JA. 2001. BC Decker, Inc., Hamilton, Ontario, 593-594.
Flynn JA, Auwaerter PG. Tickborne Diseases. The Principles of Ambulatory Medicine, 6th ed., eds. Barker LR, Burton JR, Zieve PD, Fiebach NH, Kern DE, Thomas PA, Ziegelstein RC. 2003. Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia PA.
Auwaerter PG. Approach to the Patient with Fever. The Principles of Ambulatory Medicine, 6th ed., eds. Barker LR, Burton JR, Zieve PD, Fiebach NH, Kern DE, Thomas PA, Ziegelstein RC. 2003. Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia PA.
Cheng A, Auwaerter PG. Bacterial Meningitis. The Osler Medical Handbook, eds. Cheng A, Zaas A. 2003. Mosby, Philadelphia PA.
Auwaerter PG. Bacterial Pneumonia. Conn’s Current Therapy 2004, 56th ed., eds. Rakel RE, Bope ET. 2004. Saunders, Philadelphia PA, 265-268.
Auwaerter PG. Respiratory Infections. Johns Hopkins Board Review of Internal Medicine, eds. Miller RG, Ashar BH, Sisson SD. 2004. Mosby, Philadelphia PA.
Auwaerter PG. Lyme Disease. Distinguished Author Series, Internal Medicine. Oakstone Medical Publishing, Birmingham, Alabama, October 2005.
Kim S, Damico R, Auwaerter PG. Fever of Unknown Origin. The Osler Medical Handbook, 2nd ed., eds. Nilsson KR, Piccini JP. 2006. Saunders Elsevier, Philadelphia PA, 608-619.
Spivak A, Cheng A, Zaas A, Auwaerter PG. Central Nervous System Infections. The Osler Medical Handbook, 2nd ed., eds. Nilsson KR, Piccini JP. 2006. Saunders Elsevier, Philadelphia PA, 619-629.
Auwaerter PG. Approach to the patient with fever, Chapter 21. The Principles of Ambulatory Medicine, 7th ed., eds. Fiebach NH, Kern DE, Thomas PA, Ziegelstein RC. 2007. Lippincott, Williams & Willkins, Philadelphia PA, 457-465.
Auwaerter PG, Flynn JF. Approach to the patient with Fever, Chapter 38. The Principle of Ambulatory Medicine, 7th ed., eds., Fiebach NH, Kern DE, Thomas PA, Ziegelstein RC. 2007. Lippincott, Williams & Willkins, Philadelphia PA, 560-571.
Auwaerter PG, editor. Meeting the Challenges of Childhood Influenza Immunization: A Public Health Perspective. Advanced Studies in Medicine. 2007; 7:7.
Auwaerter PG. Respiratory Infections, Chapter 10. Johns Hopkins Board Internal Medicine Board Review, 2nd ed., eds. Miller RG, Ashar BH, Sisson SD. 2008. Mosby Elsevier, Philadelphia PA, 75-86.
Auwaerter PG. Infectious Mononucleosis. Google knol. June 2008
Auwaerter PG, Shapiro ED. Borrelia burgdorferi (Lyme disease). Antimicrobial Therapy and Vaccines, Volume I: Microbes, eds. Yu VL, Weber R, Raoult D. 2008. Antimicrobe, Pittsburgh, PA.
Books, Textbook [BK]
The ABX Guide: Diagnosis and Treatment of Infectious Diseases, 1st edition. Editors: Bartlett JG, Auwaerter PG, Pham PA. Thomson PDR, Montvale, New Jersey, 2005.
The Johns Hopkins ABX Guide: Diagnosis and Treatment of Infectious Diseases, 2nd edition. Editors: Bartlett JG, Auwaerter PG, Pham PA. Jones and Bartlett Publishing, Sudbury, MA, 2010.
The Johns Hopkins ABX Guide: Diagnosis and Treatment of Infectious Diseases, 3rd edition. Editors: Bartlett JG, Auwaerter PG, Pham PA. Jones and Bartlett Publishing, Sudbury, MA, 2012
Lyme Disease and Other Infections Transmitted by Ixodes scapularis. Infectious Disease Clinics of North America. Vol 29 (2). Editor: Auwaerter PG. Elsevier, Philadelphia PA, 2015.
Guidelines/Protocols, Consensus Statement, Expert Opinion, Consortium Articles [GL]
Auwaerter PG. Antibiotics are not the answer for patients with persisting symptoms attributable to Lyme disease. Clinical Infectious Diseases. 2007; 45(2):143-8.
Marinopoulos SS, Coylewright M, Auwaerter PG, Flynn JA. Clinical Problem Solving. More than meets the ear. New England Journal of Medicine. 2010; 362(13):1228-33.
Mackowiak PA, Auwaerter PG, Dove J. Diagnosing the disorders of giants. The Pharos, Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society. Summer 2011; 24-28.
Auwaerter PG, Bakken JS, Dattwyler RJ, Dumler JS, Halperin JJ, McSweegan E, Nadelman RB, O’Connell S, Shapiro ED, Sood SK, Steere AC, Weinstein A, Wormser GP. Antiscience and ethical concerns associated with advocacy of Lyme disease. Lancet Infectious Diseases. 2011;11(9):713-9.
Auwaerter PG, Melia MT. Bullying Borrelia: When the Culture of Science is Under Attack. Transactions of the American Clinical and Climatological Society. 2012;123:79-90.
Bratzler DW, Dellinger EP, Olsen KM, Perl TM, Auwaerter PG, Bolon MK, Fish DN, Napolitano LM, Sawyer RG, Slain D, Steinberg JP, Weinstein RA. Clinical practice guidelines for antimicrobial prophylaxis in surgery. Am J Health Syst Pharm. 2013;70(3):195-28.
Auwaerter PG, Quinn TC, Sears CL, Thomas DL. John G. Bartlett: a transformative, visionary leader of Johns Hopkins Infectious Diseases. Clinical Infectious Diseases 2014;59 Suppl 2:S61-2.
Auwaerter PG. Lyme disease: knowing good evidence to help inform practice. Infect Dis Clin North Am. 2015;29(2):xi-xvi.
Shoham S, Antar AA, Auwaerter PG, Durand CM, Sulkowski MS, Cotton DJ. Antimicrobial Access in the 21st Century: Delays and Critical Shortages. Ann Intern Med. 2016 Mar 22. doi: 10.7326/M15-3076.
Chida NM, Ghanem KG, Auwaerter PG, Wright SM, Melia MT. Defining Clinical Excellence in Adult Infectious Disease Practice. Open Forum Infect Dis. 2016 Jun 16;3(3).
Auwaerter PG. RICHARD STARR ROSS, MD: 1924 - 2015. Trans Am Clin Climatol Assoc. 2016;127:ci-cvi.
Editorials [ED]
Melia MT, Lantos PM, Auwaerter PG. Lyme Disease: Authentic Imitator or Wishful Imitation? JAMA Neurol. 2014 Oct 1;71(10):1209-10.
Auwaerter PG. Life after Lyme disease. Clinical Infectious Diseases 2015;61(2):248-50.
Melia MT, Auwaerter PG. Time for a different approach to Lyme disease and long-term Symptoms. New Eng J Med 2016; 374(13):1277-1278.
Research Letters/White Papers/Brief Reports [RL]
Kaye KS, Auwaerter P, Bosso JA, Dean NC, Doern GV, Kays MB, Pogue JM, Ritchie DJ, Wispelwey BJ. Strategies to address appropriate fluoroquinolone use in the hospital. Hospital Pharmacy. 2010; 25(11); 844-853.
Auwaerter PG, Bakken JS, Dattwyler RJ, Dumler JS, Halperin JJ, McSweegan E, Nadelman RB, O'Connell S, Sood SK, Weinstein A, Wormser GP. Scientific evidence and best patient care practices should guide the ethics of Lyme disease activism. Journal of Medical Ethics. 2011;37(2):68-73.
Zahn M, Adalja AA, Auwaerter PG, Edelson PJ, Hansen GR, Hynes NA, Jezek A, MacArthur RD, Manabe YC, McGoodwin C, Duchin J. Infectious Diseases Physicians: Improving and Protecting the Public’s Health—Why Equitable Compensation is Critical. Clin Infect Dis. Oct 2018 [Epub ahead of print]
Other Media [OM, note: dates reflects original publication, not updated versions]
Nettles R and Auwaerter PG. Pericarditis. Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide [], Baltimore, MD, November 2002.
Nettles R and Auwaerter PG. Myocarditis. Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide [], Baltimore, MD, November 2002.
Auwaerter, PG. Epstein Barr Virus. Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide [], Baltimore, MD, November 2002.
Blankson J and Auwaerter PG. Streptococcal Toxic Shock Syndrome. Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide [], Baltimore, MD, November 2002.
Blankson J and Auwaerter PG. Staphylococcal Toxic Shock Syndrome. Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide [], Baltimore, MD, November 2002.
Nuermberger E, Auwaerter PG. Diabetic Foot Infections. Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide [], Baltimore, MD, December 2002.
Nuermberger E, Auwaerter PG. Hardware-associated Septic Arthritis. Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide [], Baltimore, MD, December 2002.
Auwaerter PG. Bacterial Meningitis, Community-acquired. Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide [], Baltimore, MD, December 2002.
Ghanen K, Auwaerter PG. Streptobacillus monilliformis. Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide [], Baltimore, MD, January 2003.
Ghanen K, Auwaerter PG. Rabies. Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide [], Baltimore, MD, January 2003.
Ghanen K, Auwaerter PG. Vaccinia. Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide [], Baltimore, MD, January 2003.
Auwaerter PG. B Virus. Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide [], Baltimore, MD, February 2003.
Auwaerter PG. Whipple's Disease. Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide [], Baltimore, MD, February 2003.
Ghanen K, Auwaerter PG. Shigella species. Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide [http://hopkins-], Baltimore, MD, April 2003.
Ghanen K, Auwaerter PG. Dermatophytes. Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide [], Baltimore, MD, April 2003.
Auwaerter PG. Measles. Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide [], Baltimore, MD, May 2003.
Auwaerter PG. Ehrlichia. Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide [], Baltimore, MD, May 2003.
Auwaerter PG. Varicella Zoster Virus. Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide [], Baltimore, MD, June 2003.
Auwaerter PG. Nosocomial Diarrhea. Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide [], Baltimore, MD, August 2003.
Auwaerter PG. Bacillus species. Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide [], Baltimore, MD, August 2003.
Auwaerter PG. Mastitis. Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide [], Baltimore, MD, August 2003.
Auwaerter PG. Rubella. Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide [], Baltimore, MD, August 2003.
Auwaerter PG. Acute Rheumatic Fever. Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide [], Baltimore, MD, September 2003.
Auwaerter PG. Serratia. Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide [], Baltimore, MD, September 2003.
Ghanen K, Auwaerter PG. Ascaris. Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide [http://hopkins-], Baltimore, MD, September 2003.
Ghanen K, Auwaerter PG. Cardiovascular Device Infections. Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide [], Baltimore, MD, October 2003.
Ghanen K, Auwaerter PG. Onchocercosis. Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide [], Baltimore, MD, January 2004.
Ghanen K, Auwaerter PG. Taenia saginata. Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide [], Baltimore, MD, January 2004.
Ghanen K, Auwaerter PG. Acanthamoeba. Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide [], Baltimore, MD, January 2004.
Ghanen K, Auwaerter PG. JC/BK virus. Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide [], Baltimore, MD, January 2004.
Ghanen K, Auwaerter PG. Lacrimal infections. Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide [], Baltimore, MD, January 2004.
Ghanen K, Auwaerter PG. Ocular keratitis. Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide [], Baltimore, MD, January 2004.
Ghanen K, Auwaerter PG. Orbital cellulitis. Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide [], Baltimore, MD, January 2004.
Ghanen K, Auwaerter PG. Parvovirus B19. Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide [], Baltimore, MD, January 2004.
Ghanen K, Auwaerter PG. Prion diseases. Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide [], Baltimore, MD, January 2004.
Ghanen K, Auwaerter PG. Ascaris. Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide [http://hopkins-], Baltimore, MD. January 2004.
Ghanen K, Auwaerter PG. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide [], Baltimore, MD. January 2004.
Ghanen K, Auwaerter PG. Enterobius. Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide [], Baltimore, MD, January 2004.
Ghanen K, Auwaerter PG. Fever and neutropenia. Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide [], Baltimore, MD, January 2004.
Ghanen K, Auwaerter PG. HHV6/HHV7. Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide [], Baltimore, MD, January 2004.
Ghanen K, Auwaerter PG. Hookworm. Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide [], Baltimore, MD, January 2004.
Zaas D, Auwaerter PG. Clostridium tetani. Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide [], Baltimore, MD, October 2004.
Zaas D, Auwaerter PG. Bordetella. Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide [http://hopkins-], Baltimore, MD, October 2004.
Zaas D, Auwaerter PG. Plesiomonas. Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide [], Baltimore, MD, October 2004.
Zaas D, Auwaerter PG. Bronchiectasis. Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide [], Baltimore, MD, October 2004.
Auwaerter PG, Srinivasan AS. Antibiotic Prophylaxis for Surgery. Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide [], Baltimore, MD, October 2004.
Auwaerter PG, Srinivasan AS. Helicobacter pylori. Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide [], Baltimore, MD, October 2004.
Auwaerter PG. Haemophilus influenzae. Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide [], Baltimore, MD, October 2004.
Auwaerter PG. Candida albicans. Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide [], Baltimore, MD, October 2004.
Auwaerter PG. Streptococcus species. Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide [], Baltimore, MD, October 2004.
Auwaerter PG. Cardiac Manifestations of HIV. Johns Hopkins HIV Guide [], Baltimore, MD. October 2004.
Auwaerter PG. Haemophilus influenzae. Johns Hopkins HIV Guide [], Baltimore, MD, October 2004.
Auwaerter PG. Epstein-Barr Virus. Johns Hopkins HIV Guide [], Baltimore, MD, October 2004.
Auwaerter PG. Nocardia. Johns Hopkins HIV Guide [], Baltimore, MD, October 2004.
Auwaerter PG. E. coli. Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide [], Baltimore, MD, November 2004.
Auwaerter PG. Borrelia species. Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide [], Baltimore, MD, May 2005.
Auwaerter PG. Propionibacterium species. Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide [], Baltimore, MD, May 2005.
Auwaerter PG. Myelitis. Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide [], Baltimore, MD, May 2005.
Auwaerter PG. Citrobacter species. Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide [], Baltimore, MD, March 2005.
Auwaerter PG. Capnocytophaga canimorsus. Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide [], Baltimore, MD, March 2005.
Auwaerter PG. Mumps. Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide [], Baltimore, MD, July 2005.
Aronson MD, Auwaerter PG. Infectious mononucleosis in adults and adolescents. Up-To-Date, ed. Rose, BD, Wellesley, MA, 2005.
Auwaerter PG. Aseptic Meningitis. Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide [], Baltimore, MD, April 2007.
Auwaerter PG. Bacterial Meningitis. Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide [], Baltimore, MD, May 2007.
Auwaerter PG. Lymphadenopathy. Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide [], Baltimore, MD, May 2007.
Auwaerter PG. Lymphangitis. Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide [], Baltimore, MD, May 2007
Auwaerter PG. Myelitis. Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide [], Baltimore, MD, May 2007.
Auwaerter PG, Dorman S. Mycobacterium ulcerans. Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide [], Baltimore, MD, May 2007.
Auwaerter PG, Dorman S. Mycobacterium xenopi. Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide [], Baltimore, MD, May 2007.
Auwaerter PG. Myocarditis. Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide [], Baltimore, MD, May 2007.
Auwaerter PG. Nosocomial Diarrhea. Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide [], Baltimore, MD, June 2007.
Auwaerter PG. Encephalitis. Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide [], Baltimore, MD, June 2007.
Auwaerter PG. Hepatitis A. Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide [], Baltimore, MD, June 2007.
Auwaerter PG. Hepatitis D. Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide [], Baltimore, MD, June 2007.
Auwaerter PG, Carpenter C. Hepatitis, non-A, B, C, D or E. Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide [], Baltimore, MD, June 2007.
Auwaerter PG. Brain Abscess. Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide [], Baltimore, MD, September 2007.
Auwaerter PG. CNS Shunt Infections. Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide [], Baltimore, MD, September 2007.
Auwaerter PG, Martins CR. Erythrasma. Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide [], Baltimore, MD, September 2007.
Auwaerter PG. Carbuncle/Furncle. Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide [], Baltimore, MD, September 2007.
Auwaerter PG, Martins CR. Impetigo. Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide [], Baltimore, MD, September 2007.
Auwaerter PG. Venous sinus thrombosis. Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide [], Baltimore, MD, September 2007.
Auwaerter PG. Pericarditis. Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide [], Baltimore, MD, September 2007.
Auwaerter PG, Dorman S. Mycobacterium abscessus. Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide [], Baltimore, MD, October 2007.
Auwaerter PG, Dorman S. Mycobacterium fortuitum. Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide [], Baltimore, MD, October 2007.
Auwaerter PG, Dorman S. Mycobacterium gordonae. Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide [], Baltimore, MD, October 2007.
Auwaerter PG, Dorman S. Mycobacterium marinum. Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide [], Baltimore, MD, October 2007.
Auwaerter PG, Dorman S. Mycobacterium scrofulaceum. Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide [], Baltimore, MD, October 2007.
Auwaerter PG, Dorman S. Other atypical mycobacteria. Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide [], Baltimore, MD, October 2007.
Auwaerter PG, Perl T. SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome). Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide [], Baltimore, MD, January 2009.
Auwaerter PG. Aeromonas. Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide [], Baltimore, MD, July 2009.
Auwaerter PG. Chikungunya virus. Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide [], Baltimore, MD, July 2009.
Auwaerter PG, Vinetz J. Mycobacterium leprae. Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide [], Baltimore, MD, August 2009.
Auwaerter PG, Vinetz J. Rickettsia rickettsii. Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide [], Baltimore, MD, August 2009.
Auwaerter PG, Vinetz J. Rickettsia species. Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide [], Baltimore, MD, August 2009.
Auwaerter PG, Vinetz J. Schistosoma species. Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide [], Baltimore, MD, August 2009.
Auwaerter PG, Vinetz J. Strongyloides stercoralis. Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide [], Baltimore, MD, August 2009.
Auwaerter PG, Vinetz J. Taenia solium. Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide [], Baltimore, MD, August 2009.
Auwaerter PG, Vinetz J. Vibrio cholerae. Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide [], Baltimore, MD, August 2009.
Auwaerter PG, Vinetz J. Toxoplasma gondii. Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide [], Baltimore, MD, August 2009.
Auwaerter PG. Tick paralysis. MedLink Neurology [], San Diego, CA, October 2009.
Auwaerter PG. Subacute sclerosing encephalitis. MedLink Neurology [], San Diego, CA, January 2010.
Auwaerter PG. Polio. Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide [], Baltimore, MD, April 2010.
Auwaerter PG. Cystoisospora belli. Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide [http://hopkins-], Baltimore, MD, November 2010.
Auwaerter PG. Blastocystis hominis. Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide [http://hopkins-], Baltimore, MD, November 2011.
Auwaerter PG. Metapneumovirus. Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide [], Baltimore, MD, June 2012.
Auwaerter PG. Endometritis. Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide [], Baltimore, MD, June 2012.
Auwaerter PG. Chorioamnionitis. Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide [], Baltimore, MD, June 2012.
Auwaerter PG, Vinetz J. Hantavirus. Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide [], Baltimore, MD, October 2012.
Auwaerter PG. Babesia species. Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide [], Baltimore, MD, November 2012.
Auwaerter PG, Ghanem KG. HHV-6/HHV-7. Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide [], Baltimore, MD, November 2012.
Ghanem KG, Auwaerter PG. Parvovirus B19. Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide [], Baltimore, MD, November 2012.
Ghanem KG, Auwaerter PG. Vaccinia. Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide [], Baltimore, MD, November 2012.
Auwaerter PG. Ebola. Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide [], Baltimore, MD, June 2013.
Auwaerter PG. Chromoblastomycosis. Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide [], Baltimore, MD, July 2013.
Auwaerter PG. Burkholderia pseudomallei. Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide [], Baltimore, MD, July 2013.
Auwaerter PG. Chlamydiaophila psittaci. Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide [], Baltimore, MD, July 2013.
Auwaerter PG. MERS. Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide [], Baltimore, MD, July 2013.
Auwaerter PG. Strongyloides stercoralis. Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide [], Baltimore, MD, July 2013.
Auwaerter PG. HHV-6/HHV-7. Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide [], Baltimore, MD, August 2013.
Auwaerter PG. Powassan virus. Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide [], Baltimore, MD, January 2014
Auwaerter PG. Corynebacterium species. Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide [], Baltimore, MD, July 2014
Auwaerter PG. Peramivir. Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide []Baltimore, MD, February 2015
Pham P, Auwaerter PG. Oseltamivir. Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide []Baltimore, MD, February 2015
Auwaerter PG, Bartlett JG. Lyme disease. Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide [] Baltimore, MD, November 2015
Auwaerter PG. Heartland virus. Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide [] Baltimore, MD, February 2016
Auwaerter PG. Vaccinia. Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide, [] Baltimore, MD, 2016
Auwaerter PG. Babesia species. Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide [] Baltimore, MD, 2017
Auwaerter PG. Tuberculosis, CNS/Meningitis.. Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide [] Baltimore, MD, 2017
Auwaerter PG. Neisseria meningitidis. Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide [] Baltimore, MD, 2017
Auwaerter PG. Cutibacterium acnes. Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide [] Baltimore, MD, 2017
Auwaerter PG. Tick-borne encephalitis virus. Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide [] Baltimore, MD, 2018
Auwaerter PG. Bourbon virus. Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide [] Baltimore, MD, 2018
Auwaerter PG. Crimean Congo Hemorrhagic Fever. Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide [] Baltimore, MD, 2018
Auwaerter PG. Achromobacter. Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide [] Baltimore, MD, 2018
Auwaerter PG. Acute Sinusitis. Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide [] Baltimore, MD, 2018
Auwaerter PG. Legionella species. Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide [] Baltimore, MD, 2018
Auwaerter PG. Gnathosomiasis. Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide [] Baltimore, MD, 2019
Fisher Center Discovery Fund
Role: Director
Supervising awarding of intramural pilot grants for innovative studies
Novel Diagnostics in Early Lyme disease
SBIR/NIH #1R43AI134543-01A1, MicroBplex, Inc.
Co-PI: 5% effort
Research Extramural Funding - Previous
4/11 – 11/12
A phase 2, multicenter, randomized, double-blind, comparative study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of intravenous coadministered ceftaroline fosamil and NXL104 versus intravenous doripenem in adult subjects with complicated urinary tract infection
Role: Site PI
2000-2003 Etiologies of community-acquired pneumonia, and development of a prediction rule for admission to hospital in an urban population Johns Hopkins Hospital.
Role: PI
2000-2001 Clinical studies of a randomized double-blind, multi-center, comparative phase III study of oral BMS-284756 versus oral azithromycin in the treatment of acute exacerbation of chronic bronchitis.
RPN# 00-08-29-01
Role: Site PI
2000-2001 Clinical studies of a placebo controlled, double blind, randomized trial of a tablet formulation of pleconaril in the treatment of viral respiratory infection in adults
RPN# 00-06-28-03
Role: Site PI
1999-2000 A multicenter investigator-blinded study of the efficacy and safety of Zithromax vs. Levaquin in the treatment of acute bacterial exacerbations of COPD.
RPN#: 99-06-15-03
Role: Site PI
1998-1999 Randomized, double Blind, multicenter, comparative study of cefprozil versus clarithromycin in the treatment of acute exacerbation of chronic bronchitis.
RPN#: W98-04-24-02
SmithKline Beecham
Role: Site PI
1997-1998 A randomized, multicenter, third party blinded trial comparing trovafloxacin with amoxicillin/clavulanate (Augmentin) with or without erythromycin for the treatment of community acquired pneumonia.
RPN #R97-0520
PPD Pharmaco/Pfizer
Role: Site PI
Medical, other state/government licensure
1991 Medical License, State of Maryland, #D4141
1991 DEA: BA4796085
Boards, other specialty certifications
1992 Board certified, Internal Medicine (ABIM): December 1992, recertified 2002, 2012
1994 Board certified, Infectious Diseases (ABIM): December 1994, recertified 2004, 2014
Clinical (Service) Responsibilities
1996-present Infectious Diseases Consultant, Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore MD
1996-present General Internal Medicine, Attending, Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore MD
2018-present Infectious Diseases Consultant, Pediatric outpatient, Johns Hopkins
Clinical Program Building/Leadership
1999-2006 Director, General Internal Medicine at Johns Hopkins, Green Spring Station
2006-present Clinical Director, Division of Infectious Diseases, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
2009 Established Rockland Physician Practice and Research Group, Johns Hopkins at Green Spring Station
2011 Established Fisher Center for Environmental Infectious Diseases, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Classroom instruction
1996-1999 Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Microbiology Course Workshops
2006-2010 Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Human Physiology Course, Introduction to Virology
2006-2010 Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Human Physiology Course, RNA Viruses and Gastrointestinal Viruses
2010-2015 Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Genes to Society Course, Introduction to Virology
2010-present Lyme Disease and other Borrelia Infections. Principles of Bacterial Infections, 260.22, Molecular Microbiology and Immunology, Environmental Health Sciences, Epidemiology and Pathology, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
2011 Bacterial and Fungal Infections of the Respiratory Tract. Environmental Health Sciences, Epidemiology and Pathology, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
2018 Measles virus. Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Winter Institute. Lyme disease: North America and Global. Summer Institute, Tropical Medicine and Public Health. Vector-borne Diseases in the Tropics
National – none
International – none
Clinical instruction
1996-2002 Ambulatory Medicine Preceptor, Johns Hopkins House staff, Johns Hopkins Hospital
1996-present Infectious Diseases, Clinical Rotation, Department of Medicine, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
1996-present General Internal Medicine, Firm Faculty, Janeway, Department of Medicine, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
1997-1999 Intern Case Ambulatory Care Elective, Green Spring Station
1999-present Infectious Diseases Fellow Outpatient Clinic, preceptor, Green Spring Station
2003-2005 Infectious Diseases Outpatient Clinic, medical resident preceptor, Green Spring Station
National – none
International – none
CME instruction
10/96 Cat Scratch Disease. Clinicopathological Conference, Department of Pathology, Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, MD
10/96 Generalized Vaccinia. Infectious Diseases Clinical Case Conference, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD
11/96 Varicella Zoster Virus. Saturday Medicine, Department of Medicine, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD
12/96 Invasive Aspergillosis. Infectious Diseases Clinical Case Conference, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD
5/97 Enteric Fever. Saturday Medicine, Department of Medicine, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD
11/97 Evaluation of Lymph Nodes. Saturday Medicine, Department of Medicine, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD
11/97 Infectious Mononucleosis. Department of Medicine Grand Rounds, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD
9/98 Fever in a Returning Traveler. Infectious Diseases Clinical Case Conference, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD
10/98 Evaluation of Fevers of Unknown Origin. Saturday Medicine, Department of Medicine, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD
1/99 Q Fever. Infectious Diseases Clinical Case Conference, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD
5/99 The Diagnostic Evaluation of Fevers of Unknown Origin. Topics in Internal Medicine, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD
6/99 Prevention of Travel Related Illnesses. Preventative Ambulatory Medicine Conference, Loews Hotel, Annapolis, MD
8/99 Fevers of Unknown Origin. Medical Grand Rounds, Olney Hospital, Olney, MD
10/99 Prevention of Travel Related Illnesses. Saturday Medicine, Department of Medicine, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
2/00 The Pneumococcus and Antibiotic Resistance. Medicine Grand Rounds, St. Joseph’s Hospital, Towson, MD
4/00 Scrofulous Coccidiodes. Infectious Diseases Clinical Case Conference, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD
5/00 Prevention of Travel Related Illnesses. Topics in Internal Medicine. Department of Medicine, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD.
6/00 Pneumonia Update. Medical Grand Rounds, Franklin Square Hospital, Baltimore, MD
10/00 Update in Travel Medicine. Medical Grand Rounds, Harbor Hospital, Baltimore, MD
10/00 Tuberculous Lymphadenitis and Extra-Pulmonary Tuberculosis, Grand Rounds, Department of Medicine, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD
11/00 Pneumonia: 2000. Medical Grand Rounds, Kent and Queen Anne’s Hospital, Chestertown, MD
12/00 Controversies in Lyme Disease (with workshop). Ambulatory Medicine Topics Course, Department of Medicine, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Renaissance Hotel, Baltimore, MD
1/01 Cutaneous Alternaria. Infectious Diseases Clinical Case Conference, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD
2/01 Extra-pulmonary TB. Saturday Medicine, Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, MD
2/01 Spotted Fever Group Rickettsioses. Infectious Diseases Clinical Case Conference, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD
5/01 Lyme disease in Primary Care. Topics in Internal Medicine, Department of Medicine, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD
9/01 Lyme disease: What You Need to Know. Saturday Medicine, Department of Medicine, Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, MD
9/01 Quinolone drugs: Is There Any Difference? Annual Meeting, Maryland Council of Pharmacists, University of Maryland, College Park, MD
12/01 Paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria due to secondary syphilis and the Donath-Landsteiner Antibody. Infectious Diseases Clinical Case Conference, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD
3/02 Neuroborreliosis. Infectious Diseases Clinical Case Conference, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD
5/02 What You Need to Know About Lyme disease. Medicine Grand Rounds, Bayview Medical Center, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD
5/02 Trends in the Diagnosis and Management of Respiratory Infection. Grand Rounds, Southern Maryland Hospital, Clinton, MD
5/02 New Antibiotic Update. Topics in Internal Medicine, Department of Medicine, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD
5/02 Update in the Management of Respiratory Infections. Hot Topics in Nursing, Annual Meeting of Maryland Nurse Practitioners, Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing, Baltimore, MD
7/02 Respiratory Tract Infections. Johns Hopkins Internal Medicine Board Review Course, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD
10/02 Fever and Fevers of Unknown Origin. Medicine Grand Rounds, Greater Baltimore Medical Center, Towson, MD
10/02 Trends in Respiratory Diseases with an Emphasis on Sinusitis. Medicine Grand Rounds, Holy Cross Hospital Center, Silver Spring, MD
11/02 Medicine Grand Rounds, St. Joseph’s Hospital Center, Towson, MD
1/03 Update on Acute Exacerbation of Chronic Bronchitis. Medicine Grand Rounds, Brunswick General Hospital, Amityville, NY
2/03 Lyme Disease for the Internist. Medicine Grand Rounds, Good Samaritan Hospital, Baltimore, MD
5/03 Fever and Fever of Unknown Origin: Definitions and Concepts. Topics in Internal Medicine, Department of Medicine, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD
5/03 Update on Antibiotic Use in Respiratory Tract Infections. Medicine Grand Rounds, South Mountain Home Hospital, South Mountain, PA
9/03 Chronic fatigue due to hemochromatosis. Infectious Diseases Clinical Case Conference, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD
2004-2006 Annual Conference on Information Technologies at the Point of Care, Conference Director, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD
10/04 Lyme Disease: What a Rheumatologist Needs to Know. Maryland Rheumatology Society, Baltimore, MD
10/04 Update on Respiratory Tract Infections and Antimicrobial Resistance. Grand Rounds, York Hospital, York, PA
11/04 Respiratory Tract Infections: Place of Fluoroquinolones and Ketolides. Maryland Society of Health System Pharmacists, Baltimore, MD
11/04 New Antibiotics: What Are Their Roles? Burlington County Medical Society, Burlington, NJ
1/05 Respiratory Tract Infection Update. Grand Rounds, Southern Maryland Hospital, Clinton, MD
9/05 Cellulitis, Skin Abscesses: When to Factor Community-Acquired MRSA? Infectious Diseases for the Primary Care Practitioner, Johns Hopkins University School of Baltimore, MD
2/06 Community-acquired Pneumonia: Agreement and Controversies. Infectious Diseases Grand Rounds, Walter Reed Hospital, Washington, DC
2/06 Respiratory Tract Infections: Diagnosis and Management in the Hospital and the Office. Malcolm Grow Medical Center, Andrews Air Force Base, Washington, DC
4/06 Amyloidosis masquerading as “chronic Lyme disease.” Infectious Diseases Clinical Case Conference, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD
5/06 Clinical Update, Lyme Disease 2006. Family Medicine Grand Rounds, Brookhaven Memorial Hospital (SUNY Stony Brook), East Patchogue, NY
5/06 Vaccine Update: Meningococcal, Tdap, Zoster and Influenza. Topics in Internal Medicine, Department of Medicine, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD.
7/06 Lyme Disease: Discussion of Controversies. Grand Rounds, Shore Memorial Hospital, Nassawadox, VA
7/06 FUO due to Schnitzler’s Syndrome. Infectious Diseases Clinical Case Conference, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD
11/06 Auwaerter PG. Influenza Review. eInfection Literature Review. Johns Hopkins University Center for Continuing Medical Education, Vol. 1 No. 2,
2007-2010 Co-editor, eInfections Review Monthly, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Office of Continuing Medical Education, Baltimore, MD,
6/07 Lyme Update 2007. Medical and Pediatrics Grand Rounds, Peninsula Regional Medical Center, Salisbury, MD
7/07 Auwaerter PG. Common Tick-borne Infections in the United States. eInfection Review. Johns Hopkins University Center for Continuing Medical Education, Vol. 2 No. 1,
10/07 Update on Common Respiratory Tract Infections. Northern Virginia Medical Society, Alexandria, VA
5/08 Auwaerter PG. Infectious Mononucleosis. eInfection Review. Johns Hopkins University Center for Continuing Medical Education, Vol. 2, No. 11,
4/08 “Chronic Lyme Disease” refractory to antibiotic treatment explained by pituitary-hypothalamic dysfunction secondary to neurosarcoidosis. Infectious Diseases Case Conference, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD
10/08 Update on Antibiotic Prophylaxis. Blair Memorial Lectureship. Warren General Hospital, Warren, PA
10/08 Chronic Lyme disease: Facts and Foibles. Blair Memorial Lectureship. Warren General Hospital, Warren, PA
2009-2016 Annual Conference on Infectious Diseases for the Primary Care Provider, Co-director, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD
1/09 Complications of anti-TNF inhibitor therapy. Division of Allergy and Immunology Grand Rounds, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD
2/09 Issues in Endocarditis Treatment and Prophylaxis. Topics in Cardiovascular Medicine, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD
8/09 CNS Shunt Infections. Infectious Diseases Case Conference, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD
11/09 Auwaerter PG. Pandemic and Seasonal Influenza. eInfection Review. Johns Hopkins University Center for Continuing Medical Education, Vol. 3 No. 1,
2/10 Chronic fatigue and other symptoms due to chronic arsenicosis, not Lyme disease. Infectious Diseases Clinical Case Conference, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD
2/10 Microsporidial keratitis. Infectious Diseases Clinical Case Conference, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD
5/10 Antibiotics or Not? Topics in Internal Medicine, Department of Medicine, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD
6/10 Lyme Disease. The 6th Annual Rheumatology Conference, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD
7/10 Food poisoning due to Fiddlehead Ferns. . Infectious Diseases Clinical Case Conference, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD
9/10 Erythromelalgia. Infectious Diseases Clinical Case Conference, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD
4/11 Sarcoidosis. Infectious Diseases Clinical Case Conference, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD
5/11 Lyme Disease. Topics in Internal Medicine, Department of Medicine, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD
10/11 Ectoparasites. ID Update for Primary Care. Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore MD
5/12 Bedbugs, Scabies and Intimate Pets. Topics in Internal Medicine. Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore MD
6/12 Lyme Disease, Vector-borne Diseases in the Tropics Course, Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, MD
10/12 Tick-borne diseases other than Lyme disease. ID Update for Primary Care. Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD.
5/13 Lyme disease in Primary Care. Topics in Internal Medicine. Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD.
10/13 FUO. ID Update for Primary Care and Hospital Medicine. Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD.
10/13 Lyme disease. ID Update for Primary Care and Hospital Medicine. Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD.
1/14 50 year old man with FUO after stay New Hampshire camp, Department of Medicine Grand Rounds, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD.
5/14 Fever of Unknown Origin? Topics in Internal Medicine, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore MD
8/14 Meningitis: Community-acquired and Nosocomial. Division of Infectious Diseases, Core Lecture Series, JHUSOM, Baltimore MD
6/15 Lyme disease. Introduction to vector-borne diseases, Tropical Medicine Summer Course, Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, MD
10/16 Infectious Mononucleosis and Mononucleosis Syndromes. ID Update for Primary Care and Hospital Medicine. Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD.
5/17 Antimicrobial Resistance. Topics in Internal Medicine. Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD
5/18 Lyme disease. Topics in Internal Medicine. Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD
8/98 Herpesvirus Infections 1-8. Johns Hopkins Infectious Disease Update Course, Santa Fe, NM
8/98 Approach to Fevers of Unknown Origin. Johns Hopkins Infectious Disease Update Course, Santa Fe, NM
9/02 New Oral and Topical Antimicrobials. Medicine Grand Rounds, Southpointe Hospital Center, St. Louis, MO
11/02 Pneumococcal Resistance: Do We Need to Change Our Clinical Practices? Medicine Grand Rounds, Marion General Hospital, Ohio State University, Marion, OH.
11/02 Trends in Respiratory Diseases with an Emphasis on Acute Exacerbations of Chronic Bronchitis and Acute Bacterial Sinusitis. Antibiotic Resistance: Where Do We Stand and What Can We Do? Medicine Grand Rounds, Holy Cross/Provident Hospital Center, Mission Hills, CA
12/02 Current Guidelines for the Management of Respiratory Tract Infections. CME Monthly Rounds, Lee’s Summit Hospital, Lee’s Summit, MO.
01/04 The Management of Acute Respiratory Tract Infections in an Era of Resistance. The Florida Allergy, Asthma and Immunology Society, Visiting Professor, Fort Lauderdale, FL
3/04 Trends in Respiratory Infections. Adams County Medical Society, Gettysburg, PA
4/04 Respiratory Tract Infections and Their Management for Primary Care Physicians. Grand Rounds, Lancaster Regional Hospital, Lancaster, PA
8/04 Fever of Unknown Origin and Tick-borne Diseases. The 9th Annual Topics in Infectious Diseases for Primary Care, Santa Fe, NM
8/04 Common Viral Infections in Primary Care. The 9th Annual Topics in Infectious Diseases for Primary Care, Santa Fe, NM
8/06 Acute Gastrointestinal Syndromes. The 11th Annual Topics in Infectious Diseases for Primary Care, San Diego, CA
8/06 Viral Infections and Tick-borne Diseases in Primary Care. The 11th Annual Topics in Infectious Diseases for Primary Care, San Diego, CA
8/14-annually Lyme disease, Infectious Diseases Board Review Course. George Washington University, Tysons Corner, VA
8/14-annually Ticks, Mites, Lice & the Diseases They Cause, Infectious Diseases Board Review Course. George Washington University, Tysons Corner, VA
8/15-annually Pneumonia, Infectious Diseases Board Review Course. George Washington University, Tysons Corner, VA
9/17 Lyme disease. St Joseph’s Healthcare System Medicine Grand Rounds. Mishawaka, Indiana.
5/18 High Priorities for Infectious Diseases, Division of Infectious Diseases Grand Rounds, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Pittsburgh, PA
2/19 Going Viral: Infectious Mononucleosis and Similar Syndromes, St Joseph’s Healthcare System Medicine Grand Rounds. Mishawaka, Indiana.
2/19 Lyme disease Update. 45th Remington Winder Course in Infectious Diseases, Beaver Creek, CO.
2/19 Emerging Vector-borne diseases. 45th Remington Winder Course in Infectious Diseases, Beaver Creek, CO.
7/05 Newer Antibiotics and Vaccines. Johns Hopkins CME at Sea, Vancouver, Canada
7/05 Update on Respiratory Tract Infections. Johns Hopkins CME at Sea, Vancouver, Canada
7/05 Emerging Infectious Diseases and Antimicrobial Resistance. Johns Hopkins CME at Sea, Vancouver, Canada
9/12 Rationale use of Antibiotics. Medical Grand Rounds, Al-Adan Hospital, Kuwait City, Kuwait
Pre-doctoral Advisees/Mentees
2012 Tyler Craig Henning, Master of Science Candidate, Department of Molecular Microbiology and Immunology, Bloomberg School of Public Health. “Identification and Characterization of Filarial Nematodes and Other Pathogens in a Population of Ticks in Fairfax County, Virginia.” Thesis reader.
Post-doctoral Advisees/Mentees
2003 Katherine Swanson, Doctor of Philosophy Candidate, Department of Molecular Microbiology and Immunology, School of Hygiene and Public Health, Johns Hopkins University, January 24, 2003. “Vector Distribution of Borrelia burgdorferi among rodents, birds and reptiles in Southern Maryland.” Oral thesis defense committee.
Institutional Administrative Appointments
1996-present Member, Department of Medicine, Intern Selection Committee
1998-present Director, Board of Governors, Johns Hopkins Green Spring Station, Lutherville, MD
2009-present Advisory Board member, Office of Continuing Medical Education, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
2014-present Appointments and Promotions Committee, Department of Medicine
Journal peer review activities
American Family Physician
American Journal of Epidemiology
American Journal of Managed Care
American Journal of Medical Sciences
American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy
BMC Medicine
British Medical Journal
Clinical Infectious Diseases
Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease
Emerging Infectious Diseases
European Journal of Internal Medicine
IDSA Guideline Reviews
International Journal of Infectious Diseases
International Journal of STD & AIDS
Journal of the American Family Physician
Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA)
Journal of General Internal Medicine
Journal of Infectious Diseases
Journal of the Physician and Sports Medicine
Lancet Infectious Diseases
Medical Principles and Practice
New England Journal of Medicine
Open Forum Infectious Diseases
RMD Open
Science Translational Medicine
Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases
World Journal of Pediatrics
Advisory Committees, Review Groups/Study Sections
1999-2000 American College of Physicians, panel participant on Development of Guidelines for Acute ` Exacerbations of Chronic Bronchitis
2005-present Technical Expert Panel (TEP) Update on the Surgical Care Improvement Project (SCIP) – Infection, Foundation for Medical Quality
2008-present Editorial Advisory Board, Infectious Diseases, Medscape
2009-present Advisory Board Member, Palm Beach Infectious Disease Institute
2011-2015 Anti-infective Advisory Panel, Food and Drug Administration
2014 National Institutes of Health, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Board of Scientific Counselors, ad-hoc member
2015-present American Lyme Disease Foundation, Board of Directors
2015 FDA Public Workshop on Non-microbial Biomarkers of Infection for in Vitro Diagnostic Use
2017 CIHR Environments & Health Initiative, Lyme disease, Canadian Institutes of Health Research
2018 Transatlantic Taskforce on Antimicrobial Resistance, panelist
Professional Societies
1992-present American College of Physicians, Fellow (elected 2001)
1993-present Infectious Disease Society of America, Fellow (elected 2009)
2004-2007 Program Committee member for Annual Meeting of the Infectious Diseases Society of America
2008 Vice Chair, Program Committee for combined ICAAC/IDSA 48th/46th Annual Meeting, October 24-28, 2008 Washington, DC
2009 Chair, Annual Program Committee for the 47th Annual Meeting Infectious Diseases Society of America, October 29-November 1, 2009, Philadelphia, PA.
2010 Past Chair, Annual Program Committee for the 48th Annual Meeting of the Infectious Diseases Society of America, October 21-24 2010, Vancouver, BC
2011-2014 Board of Directors
2015-2016 Vice President, Executive Committee, Board of Directors
2016-2017 President-elect, Executive Committee, Board of Directors
2017-2018 President, Executive Committee, Board of Directors
1995-1997 American Society for Virology
1999-2004 American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
2006-present American Society of Microbiology
2009-present The American Clinical and Climatological Association
2014-present Association of Specialty Professors
2015-present International Society for Infectious Diseases
2017-present American Medical Association
2017-present European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases
Conference Organizer
2004-2006 Annual Conference on Information Technologies at the Point of Care, Conference Director, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD.
2009-2016 Annual Infectious Diseases Update for Primary Care and Hospital Medicine, Co-director, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD
Awards, Honors
1982 Class of 1961 J. R. Macy Research Scholarship, Columbia University
1984 Phi Beta Kappa, Columbia University
1988 Aranow Prize in Medicine, Columbia University
1995 Young Investigator’s Day Award, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
1997 The L. Randoll Barker General Internal Medicine Fellows Appreciation Award
2002 Top Doctor, Baltimore Magazine, Internal Medicine
2003 The John Moyer Visiting Professorship, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. Johnstown, Pennsylvania
2003 Visiting Professor, Department of Otolaryngology, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine
2004 Visiting Professor, Robert Wood Johnson School of Medicine
2007 Top Doctor, Infectious Diseases and Internal Medicine, Baltimore Magazine
2009 Top Doctor, Baltimore Magazine, Infectious Diseases
2011 Top Doctor, Baltimore Magazine, Infectious Diseases
2012 Top Doctor, Baltimore Magazine, Infectious Diseases
2013 Outstanding Eagle Scout Award
2014 Top Doctor, Baltimore Magazine, Baltimore Sun
2014 Service Excellence Award, Health Network Foundation
2014 Distinguished Eagle Scout Award
2017 Harry Emerson Dascomb Award in Infectious Diseases, LSU Health New Orleans
2017 Top Doctor, Baltimore Magazine, Baltimore Sun, Infectious Diseases
2018 Outstanding Educator Award, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Division of Infectious Diseases
2018 Top Doctor, Baltimore Magazine, Baltimore Sun, Infectious Diseases
Invited Talks, Panels
3/00 Antibiotic resistance and the Pneumococcus. Medical Grand Rounds, Wilmington Hospital, Wilmington, Delaware
11/02 Important Changes in Lower Respiratory Tract Infections and Pharmacological Interventions, Conference on Respiratory Illnesses, George Washington University Hospital, Washington, DC
3/03 What Anthrax and Acute Bronchitis Have in Common. American Medical Student Association National Convention, Arlington, VA
5/03 Keynote Speaker: “eTools for Medicine, Strategic Integrations.” ePharma Summit, Baltimore Convention Center, Baltimore, MD
5/06 Turning Texts into Tools, Point of Care: From Where to Care. Association of American Medical Publishers Annual Meeting. New York, NY
4/09 The Microbiology and the Treatment of Chronic Lung Infections. Pulmonary Disease in Ataxia-Telangiectasia Conference, Ataxia-Telangiectasia Foundation, Baltimore, MD
10/09 Case Panel Discussion Panel, Moderator Timothy Raj Ghandi, MD, 47th Meeting Infectious Diseases Society of America, Philadelphia PA
12/09 Common Questions Regarding Antibiotic Prophylaxis. Pri-Med Annual Conference, Baltimore Convention Center, Baltimore MD
2/10 Lyme Disease for the Practitioner. Calvert County Medical Society, Prince Frederick, MD
2/10 Lyme Disease Update: Reality and Politics. Medicine Grand Rounds, Greater Baltimore Medical Center, Towson, MD
4/10 A Medical Labyrinth: Símon Bolívar. 17th Annual Historical Clinicopathological Conference. University of Maryland School of Medicine and the Veterans Affairs (VA) Maryland Health Care System, Baltimore, MD
8/11 Common Scenarios in Primary Care: Lyme disease. Pri-Med Annual Conference. Baltimore Convention Center, Baltimore, MD
5/13 Tickborne infections in Maryland. Grand Rounds, Greater Baltimore Medical Center, Towson MD.
7/13 Ectoparasites. National Security Agency, Medical Systems, Fort Meade, MD.
1/14 Tick-borne Diseases in the Mid-Atlantic: Beyond Lyme disease. Lankenau Hospital Medical Grand Rounds, Wynnewood, PA.
5/14 Antibiotics: 20th Century Miracle in Crisis. Calvert County Medical Society. Prince Frederick, MD.
6/14 Lyme disease. Medical Grand Rounds, National Security Agency, Medical Systems, Fort Meade, MD.
8/14 Lyme disease. 19th Annual Comprehensive Infectious Diseases Board Review Course 2014. Bethesda, Maryland
11/14 Lyme disease. 29th Annual Infectious Diseases in Children. New York City, NY
2/15 Fever of Unknown Origin in a 50-Year-old Man Returning From a New Hampshire Camp. Medical Grand Rounds. Union Memorial Hospital. Baltimore, Maryland.
8/15 Lyme disease. 20th Annual Comprehensive Infectious Diseases Board Review Course 2015. Bethesda, Maryland
10/15 Non-Microbial Biomarkers of Infection for In Vitro Diagnostic Device Use Workshop. Food and Drug Administration, Silver Spring, MD.
12/15 Antibiotics: 20th Century Miracle at Risk. Saudi Aramco Healthcare, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia.
4/16 Fever of Unknown Origin. Medical Grand Rounds, St. Joseph’s Medical Center, University of Maryland, Towson, MD.
4/02 Update in the Respiratory Infections and the Implications of Antibiotic Resistance. Annual Meeting for the Tennessee Osteopathic Association (TOMA), Kingsport, TN
4/02 Community-Acquired Pneumonia and Clinical Guidelines. Annual Meeting for the Tennessee Osteopathic Association (TOMA), Kingsport, TN
5/02 Prudent Use of Antibiotics in Respiratory Infections. NPACE/National Women’s Healthcare Conference, Alliance for the Prudent Use of Antibiotics (APUA), Newport, RI
5/02 Management of Respiratory Infections. NPACE/National Women’s Healthcare Conference, Alliance for the Prudent Use of Antibiotics (APUA), Newport, RI
5/02 Trends in the Management of Respiratory Infections. Family Medicine Grand Rounds, University of Nebraska, Omaha, NE
10/02 Clinical Management of Infectious Diseases Panel, Moderator Merle Sande, M.D. 40th Meeting of the Infectious Diseases Society of America, Chicago, IL
10/07 Images in Infectious Diseases and Case Discussion Panel, Moderator Timothy Raj Ghandi, MD, 45th Meeting Infectious Diseases Society of America, San Diego, CA
5/03 Post Anthrax-Ciprofloxacin Resistance and Other Emerging Resistant Bacterial Organisms. 31st Annual Convention of the American Academy of Physician Assistants, New Orleans, LA
11/04 Clinical Management of Infectious Diseases Panel, Moderator Merle Sande, M.D., 42nd Meeting Infectious Diseases Society of America, Boston, MA
10/07 Treatment of Lyme Disease: The IDSA Perspective. Lyme and Other Tick-borne Diseases Conference, ILADS, Boston, MA
10/10 Ask the Experts. Pri-Med Annual Conference. Baltimore Convention Center, Baltimore, MD
11/10 Electronic Decision Support at the Point of Care: Integrating Content for a Low Resource Setting. Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association, Denver, CO
4/12 Bullying Borrelia. NIAID Grand Rounds, NIH, Bethesda, MD. Intimate Pets: Scabies, Bedbugs, Lice and Other Creatures, Infectious Disease Society of Ohio, Ohio State University, Columbus OH
4/12 Perils and Pitfalls in Clinical Infectious Diseases, IDSA Annual Fellows Conference, Naples FL.
5/12 Chronic Lyme disease: Peril to Public Health. Massachusetts Society of Infectious Diseases, Boston MA.
4/13 How to Stay Happy in Infectious Diseases, IDSA Annual Fellows Conference, Ft Lauderdale FL.
12/13 Lyme disease: Essentials and Avoiding Pitfalls. Tick-borne Disease Symposium. University of Florida, Gainesville FL.
2/14 Lyme disease in the US Southeast. Southeastern Research Center for Excellence on Emerging Infections and Biodefense Conference. Duke University, Durham, North Carolina.
6/16 Lyme disease Update 2016. Microbe-ASM, Boston, MA
6/16 Lyme disease: a Look at Alternative Diagnostics and Therapeutics, Microbe-ASM, Boston, MA
2/17 Infectious Mononucleosis and Similar Syndromes. Medical Grand Rounds, Main Line Health, Lankenau Hospital, Wynnewood, PA.
4/17 Avoiding Perils and Pitfalls in ID Clinical Practice. IDSA Clinical Fellows Meeting, Hilton Head SC.
5/17 Harry E. Dascomb Visiting Professor, Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center, New Orleans, LA. Lyme Disease: Facts and Fictions
12/17 Lyme disease Prevention, Diagnosis and Treatment. Tick-borne Disease Working Group, Advisory Committee. U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, Washington, D.C
5/18 What I have learned in Washington DC, Antimicrobial Resistance and the future of ID. University of Pittsburgh Infectious Diseases Grand Rounds, Pittsburgh PA.
7/18 Cutibactrerium acnes and Shoulder Infections, Anaerobe 2018, 14th Biennial Congress, Anaerobic Society of American, Las Vegas, NV
10/18 Where are the AMR Experts? World Antimicrobial Resistance Congress 2018, Washington, D.C.
10/99 Malaria Update. The First Yemeni-American Medical Conference, US State Department, Sanaa, Yemen
10/99 The Problem of Antimicrobial Resistance and the Pneumococcus. The First Yemeni-American Medical Conference, US State Department, Sanaa, Yemen
11/00 Controversies in Diagnosis and Management of Pneumonia. The Pulmonology Society of Puerto Rico, San Juan, PR
11/03 New Pulmonary Pathogens. 6th Annual Convention of the Puerto Rican Society of Pulmonology, University of Puerto Rico School of Medicine, Rio Grande, PR
10/06 Are Antibiotics Indicated for the Persistent Symptoms in Lyme Disease? 44th Meeting Infectious Diseases Society of America, Toronto, Canada
11/09 Pandemic H1N1 2009. Medicine Grand Rounds, The Eric Williams Medical School, University of the West Indies, Port of Spain, Trinidad
9/11 Challenges in the acceptance and adoption of new diagnostic tests. EU-US Workshop TATFAR: Challenges and Solutions in the development of New Diagnostic Tests to Combat Antimicrobial Resistance. Place Madou, Brussels, Belgium.
3/18 Strengthening Partnerships, Transatlantic Taskforce on Antimicrobial Resistance (TATFAR), CDC, Atlanta GA.
4/18 Key Messages from the Lyme disease Guideline Update. 28th European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ECCMID), Madrid, Spain.
5/18 Infectious Diseases Priorities and Global Impact, Plenary address for 92nd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Association of Infectious Diseases, 66th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Chemotherapy; Okayama Japan
7/18 Infectious diseases Priorities. The First International Conference on Infectious Disease and Clinical Microbiology, 18th National Congress of Infectious Diseases, Beijing, China, Plenary address: Lyme disease and Emerging Tick-borne Infections. The First International Conference on Infectious Disease and Clinical Microbiology, 18th National Congress of Infectious Diseases, Beijing, China
Community Services
Club Physician: Caves Valley Golf Club, Owings Mills, Maryland
Volunteer: Boy Scouts of America, Maryland Advisory Council Committee; Troop 711, Lutherville, MD Troop Eagle Scout Coach