Our new formulations will transform markets in the areas of therapeutics and medical devices to lower incidences of nosocomial infections.
Our platform formulations will dramatically reduce the possibility of emergent new resistant bacteria and reduce the overall healthcare cost associated with control, prevention, and treatment of infections.
SPX-001 is an optimized chemistry of SPC-069 which has been developed as a broad-spectrum antiviral and antibacterial drug for treatment of pulmonary infections. SPX-001 is a broad spectrum antiviral and antibacterial drug with unparalleled efficacy over other pure HOCl based chemistries.
Licensed in UK and Europe to SpectrumX.
An advanced formulation of HOCl based wound cleanser that is cleared by FDA for safe debridement, cleaning and moistening wounds. The product contains the only HOCl chemistry which does not become inactivated in presence of 5% serum. Since wound care management is performed in a non-sterile environment, Spectricept’s novel composition of matter chemistry prevents product contamination and thus spread of nosocomial infections during use and re-use of product application.
Product advantages include:
Spectricept is the only HOCl based wound care product which has resolved commercial challenges associated with distribution of HOCl based products at near freezing temperatures. All other HOCl products become inactivated once frozen.
Spectricept contains a unique composition of matter chemistry which allows it as preservative to provide unparalleled efficacy of one million times greater than other pure HOCl based chemistries in presence of 5% serum.
An advanced formulation of HOCl based wound cleanser solution based on Spectricept Skin & Wound Cleanser which is cleared by FDA for safe debridement, cleaning and moistening of wounds.
Product advantages include:
Spectricept is the only HOCl based wound care product which has resolved commercial challenges associated with distribution of HOCl based product at near freezing temperatures. All other HOCl products become inactivated once frozen.
Spectricept contains a unique composition of matter chemistry which allows it as preservative to provide unparalleled efficacy of one million times greater than other pure HOCl based chemistries in presence of 5% serum.
Licensed in the U.S.A. to Triumph Medical Services, Inc.
With 99.9999% purity, Venticare is a proprietary Ionized based pharmaceutical grade solution comprised of 99.99% water that helps maintain a clean solution for consumption and use in medical devices. Traditional methods of cleaning CPAP devices simply do not work or require hours of labor and diligence. VentiCare is a versatile solution that replaces the use of distilled water in your device humidifier allowing you to enjoy a full night’s sleep while it helps your device stay clean.
Simply disinfect and clean your device per Instruction For Use (IFU) provided by your device manufacturer. Then, add VentiCare instead of distilled water for safe operation of your device and you are on your way to a better night’s sleep and better living with your CPAP device.
Hand Santizer
An advanced formulation of HOCl based hand sanitizer product which has received CE mark approval. Third party laboratory studies have shown Spectricept has successfully surpassed the efficacy and safety of other alcohol-based products. This Includes efficacy against C. albicans.
Spectricept hand sanitizer can effectively eradicate C. diff spores in 30 seconds of contact time.